Due to private circumstances, I am currently unavailable. I expect to reopen my calendar around mid-February 2025. If you would like to be informed about this, please leave me a message.
Wegens privé-omstandigheden ben ik momenteel niet beschikbaar. Ik verwacht mijn agenda weer te openen rond half februari 2025. Als je hierover geïnformeerd wenst te worden, laat dan een bericht voor me achter.
Cecilia Hollick · March 20, 2022 at 8:17 pm
For this 4-weeks course to be exactly as you’d like it to be, how would it be like?
It would be a safe and open space where instead of retreating into myself when I feel vulnerable, I can let go of my fear of judgment by others, open up, and be vulnerable.
It would be a safe space where I can be honest and share information about myself that perhaps I’ve never shared with anyone else before. A space where I can accept myself. A space where I can dissolve the protective walls I have built up for myself.
For this course to be like that, how will you need to be/act/think?
I need to connect with myself, let go of fear, and be courageous.
I need to remember that when I don’t want to share something
with the group, that is the time to share it.
I need to remember that defense, justification, or manipulation of the truth by sugar-coating it so as to make the truth more palatable to others so they will not judge me unkindly, will not help me.
I need to be honest with myself and treat myself with kindness and compassion.
I need to remember that we are all in this together and that others are probably feeling as vulnerable as myself, possibly more so.
For you to be/act/think like that, how can you best support yourself?
• Notice the fear, pause, and re-connect with myself
• Give myself space to focus on the course
• Don’t take on too much else during these 4 weeks
• Give myself breathing space as I usually do – go for a daily walk, garden, see a friend.
• If thoughts are churning and accompanying feelings feel unpleasant, welcome them and do the Work.
Michelle · March 23, 2022 at 9:42 pm
When this 4-weeks course is exactly as you’d like it to be, how will it be like?
This course will be a safe place for me to be open and share my dark secrets. I will feel safe to shine the light of awareness into those hidden parts of me that I hide away from myself. I would like it to be a place where I can open up like a flower for myself. This will be a place where I can be open and honest with myself and with others no matter what I am feeling. This will be a place where I can find space for everything to be as it is.
For this course to be like that, how will you need to be/act/think?
For this course to be like that, I will need to be willing to be open, to get comfortable with the uncomfortable and become aware of my stressful thoughts, images, body sensations and feelings that would normally stop me from going deeper. I will need to be gentle with myself and love myself through it.
For you to be/act/think like that, how can you best support yourself?
I can best support myself by displaying a note at my computer that says, this might be uncomfortable but its only a thought and/or a feeling.
I can also remind myself that everyone is there to support themselves and that we are one mind.
I can also remember that there is only one and there is no separation.
I can also remember that nothing is serious.
There are no new stressful thoughts and all thoughts are recycled. If I get uncomfortable, I am only one thought away from heaven.
Cecilia Hollick · March 23, 2022 at 10:29 pm
I love it! “Nothing is serious”. Thank you for reminding me of that Michelle xx
Kim Kaufman · March 30, 2022 at 3:40 am
Good Evening or morning everyone! I finally made my way in!!
I would like for this class to take me to the depths – even of places that scare me. it would be a safe place for me to do that. I really love the name “unravel” the mind, which is exactly what I want to do!
For it to be like that I would need to give myself permission to let go of thoughts and beliefs that hold me back. I would need to be willing to be raw, courageous and vulnerable. I need to be willing to see MYSELF. As i have done some of this work – myself isn’t that pretty!!! And instead of covering up or compensating for those ugly places I need to own them, hold them and nurture them, and take good self care.
I can best support myself by being willing, gentle and kind with myself. I love that I am exploring this work with other beautiful souls!
Cecilia Hollick · March 30, 2022 at 7:14 pm
Lovely that all of us beautiful souls are together in this forum now! For me, the key to being raw, courageous and vulnerable is trust, trusting myself. And it can be so hard.