Due to private circumstances, I am currently unavailable. I expect to reopen my calendar around mid-February 2025. If you would like to be informed about this, please leave me a message.
Wegens privé-omstandigheden ben ik momenteel niet beschikbaar. Ik verwacht mijn agenda weer te openen rond half februari 2025. Als je hierover geïnformeerd wenst te worden, laat dan een bericht voor me achter.
Michelle · April 12, 2022 at 12:08 am
I asked a friend of mine to share a criticism with me. She said that I am always late to meet her. I did not feel hurt but felt annoyed. I shared this. This is the most honest I have been with this friend in this way. She shared that she believes this means that I don’t see her as important and I said that this was on her. I shared that I have an issue with my time management and do think it is part of my dyslexia. I shared that it is not personal and that I have an issue with this for a long time. I feel that I went into this too much and that I was defensive. Still, this was a good opportunity to be vulnerable and go deeper with the friendship. I am feeling curious to ask others, however I will be gentle with myself.
marijketops · April 12, 2022 at 9:55 am
Well done, Michelle! Good noticing that you might have been defensive. We are all learning. And noticing something is a very beautiful place to start. Like you said, be gentle with yourself. I love that you have given yourself the gift of this exercise <3
Cecilia Hollick · April 12, 2022 at 1:15 pm
An incident arose and I just got crosser! I felt that Quin should apologise for his part and he didn’t. Now that I’m aware of this, I look forward to the next time when in awareness, I can just watch it arise, be curious about it, welcome it in, and let it dance it’s dance while continuing to listen to him.
And I see that the exercise is to invite him to share a criticism with me which is a slightly different shift to my para above. So I look forward to doing that.