How would you rate your happiness? Take an average of the last 4 weeks.
What do you do when you experience strong, uncomfortable emotions?
If you react differently with different emotions, then pick the emotion that is most uncomfortable to you. Choose the answer closest to your experience.
Have you experienced events in your life that you haven't processed yet?
How do you recognize unprocessed events? For example: You think of the event(s) a lot. You experience uncomfortable emotions when thinking about it. You have nightmares about it. You want to take revenge on the situation(s) or involved person(s). Etc.
Are you aware of your thoughts?
Do you believe all of your thoughts?
How are your relationships in general?
Relationships can be of all kinds: you as a sibling, son/daughter, parent, partner, co-worker, boss, employee, friends, even with people that you meet randomly in the street or supermarket.
Would your life be better if it were different?
In other words: Do you believe that significant changes in your life would make you happier?