Workshop For the love of Anxiety Attacks **ENGLISH SPOKEN!**


“Anxiety attacks aren’t a sign of weakness. They are a sign of trying to remain strong for way too long.”

I tried to get rid of my anxiety attacks for many years, using so many different modalities that I couldn’t see the wood for the trees anymore. Even doing The Work on this topic was a subtle way of resistance, because the motive was to make it stop. It wasn’t until I completely stopped fighting and resisting, that I stopped suffering from them. I allowed myself ‘to die’ into my last anxiety attack and I discovered that anxiety is a doorway to bliss.

“Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists” ~Eckhart Tolle

Stop fighting too and follow me on this journey of truly accepting your anxiety attacks. Sounds easier said than done? Actually, the opposite is true. Let me show you how.


• Early bird: US$158 or € 133 (before October 14th, 2021)
• Regular price: US$178 or € 149 (on and after October 14th, 2021)

All cancellations must be submitted in writing. Cancellation by the participant before October 21st 2021 qualifies for a refund of the full amount minus US$35 or € 30 processing fee.

If you do not send advance notice of your cancellation, if you do not attend, or if you leave the workshop early, your payment is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Cancellation of the workshop by me qualifies for a full refund.


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