Due to private circumstances, I am currently unavailable. I expect to reopen my calendar around mid-January 2025. If you would like to be informed about this, please leave me a message.
Wegens privé-omstandigheden ben ik momenteel niet beschikbaar. Ik verwacht mijn agenda weer te openen rond half januari 2025. Als je hierover geïnformeerd wenst te worden, laat dan een bericht voor me achter.
Eliza Milbourne · May 29, 2022 at 10:59 am
The worst thing that could happen
My family would be so disappointed in me, they would talk behind my back and leave me out and reject me with their comments. My father would rage at me being passive aggressive and write me out of his will. people would disown me and i wouldn’t be able to get out of bed or the house because i would feel so much shame. I could die alone and ashamed.
People would believe Im nasty ,greedy, fake, despicable, selfish, cruel , they would be shocked, hurtful , They would think I was faulty and had some mental disorder.
I wouldn’t like my sister to find out because it would mean i have to continue trying to prove to her that im a good person , I would feel responsible for disappointing her.
I wouldn’t want my father to find out because i would feel responsible for his hurt and disappointment.
Nanou Anne · May 29, 2022 at 9:49 pm
Thank you Eliza. So many reasons to keep the shame running, so many sweet reasons caring for their hurt and disappointment, so many thoughts about the future. Thank goodness for The Work.
Let’s start at the beginning: If they found out, my family would be disappointed. Is it true?