Due to private circumstances, I am currently unavailable. I expect to reopen my calendar around mid-February 2025. If you would like to be informed about this, please leave me a message.
Wegens privé-omstandigheden ben ik momenteel niet beschikbaar. Ik verwacht mijn agenda weer te openen rond half februari 2025. Als je hierover geïnformeerd wenst te worden, laat dan een bericht voor me achter.
Helga Birgisdóttir · October 14, 2022 at 6:39 pm
I felt fear about offending participants in this eCourse . . . and could be emotionally excluded. I felt also fear about possible hurting or scaring others in the group. Like I should just choose thoughts that no one in this group can take personally.
Belief: “it would be better to choose thoughts that no-one could take personally.”
TA: “It would be better to choose thoughts all of you could take personally”
– we are here to learn and see what triggers us – or not. And do TW.
– It’s not my responsibility how you respond
– I would learn little in this course if I censor myself
– I’ve no clue what you need/want/like to experience
– I’m no God who runs the show
For 20 years I’ve been tiptoing around my daughter who is on the autism spectrum and got easily tantrum if she misunderstood something. I can get so controlling that I ask people in forehead to not mention this or that that might upset others!
Kim Kaufman · October 14, 2022 at 7:39 pm
I can relate to that! Why is it so hard to let others have their response. I want to keep most things to myself so not to elicit a response from another. I love your turn arounds. Thank you for sharing!
marijketops · October 15, 2022 at 7:59 pm
I love that you worked with this belief, Helga. And, I read another belief: “I can offend people” (and it’s probably related to another belief: “People can offend me”)
Kim Kaufman · October 14, 2022 at 7:45 pm
I notice I want to eat while I do this work!
When rating my thoughts I noticed categories. There were the WORST ones. Once I “weeded” those out, there was the next worse and so on.
Beliefs came up about there isn’t enough time left in this life to deal with all this CRAP. I noticed the not allowing of those situations and what’s the point , they already WERE, already happened and I’m still fighting it in my mind.
The fear of judgements or misunderstandings of others if thoughts/situations are revealed, like I can somehow control what others think and perceive about me. I can’t even control my side of the equasion. This is madness we seem to relate to as normal.
marijketops · October 15, 2022 at 8:01 pm
It’s madness indeed! Good noticing :-))