Welcome to the workshop For the love of Anxiety Attacks! I’m delighted that you have found your way in here.
During this workshop we will meet online during six executive Thursdays, starting from November 4th to December 9th 2021.
The meetings last for 90 minutes and start each week at 7pm CET (Central Europe Time).
Please check your time zone on worldtimebuddy.com.
Be mindful of the transition from daylight saving time to standard time!
This is the Zoom link to join each class: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/74217565871?pwd=MXBGOE9TcC9PaHlYNUxWcGd5QnBxZz09
Password: unravel*
Six executive Thursdays from November 4th to December 9th for 90 minutes at 7pm CET.
Check your time zone on worldtimebuddy.com (be mindful of the transition from daylight saving time to standard time)!
Please let me know as soon as possible by sending me a private message.
The credit system for the ITW program has changed. This is what ITW says about it: “With the completion of the certification program on November 1st offerings are no longer assigned numerical credit. Rather, we are now be using a simple system noting event and/or teleclass completion for those who attended all sessions and completed all coursework. […] A newsletter will be coming out after November 1st informing all ITW members.”
For those who like this event to be noted, you are invited to attend all sessions and complete all coursework.
Michelle · November 13, 2021 at 11:37 am
I did inquiry on a OBAAT sheet today on ‘I can’t control this’ (this being the panic attack) as I did not manage to get into inquiry in the session. I found that when I believe this thought I am at war in myself as I do everything in my power to try to control it even thought I believe I can’t control it. Without the thought, I see that I am more peaceful and I am having a panic attack. It took me to the quote from Week 1 where I can run from the bear or I can run from the bear in terror. I can have a panic attack or I can have a panic attack and I can attack myself by trying to control it and then I attack myself AGAIN for bot being able to control it or for not having got over having panic attacks. I noticed how I treat myself when I believe this thought and I am in a battlefield.There is no compassion and so I fight against this baby who is in state of panic. Without the thought, my awareness is in me whilst having this panic attack.
In the TAs I can control this, I see that I can control how I respond to myself whilst in this state. I can let it be instead of fighting against it. I can control where I bring my attention, I can say out loud that I am having a panic attack, I can observe it, I can watch it, I can notice it, I can witness it and so there is lots of choices that I had not noticed before.
I also tried on ‘That (the panic attack) can’t control I (my awareness). I can see here that it (panic attack) does not have any control over the watcher, the observer or the one who is noticing. In seeing this it feels as though it has less power than I gave it before in my mind’s eye. I also see in this how much power I give panic attacks.
I also noticed that this thought carries several images which gives it power when I believe it as there appears to be a lot of evidence. I notice how much power I give these images and I notice how I don’t give them power as they just appear. Katie’s quote comes to mind, “an unquestioned mind is the only suffering”. I also see that these images are not real, they are images in my mind that I can’t touch, feel or taste. They are images that I have not investigated as I attach to them as though they are real.
The TA, I can’t control this (and that is okay) feels really kind. I see that I am happy to feel into this as I know the effects of holding onto this thought. It causes war in me. I notice I feel a sense of relief and happy to let go of control go when I try this TA on. It’s like letting a balloon go in the sky willingly and I am saying, “have your way and take it all” – it’s all yours.
Nanou Anne · November 18, 2021 at 6:14 pm
thank you for this Michelle.
As you are mentionning awareness and I read this from Mooji this morning, I’ll post it as a reply.
“It doesn’t matter how things feel.
Don’t use feelings as a gauge for
whether things are right or wrong.
There is a clear,
silent inner spaciousness
that is much more significant
to be aware of than mere feelings.
Feelings, moods and thoughts
come and go and are perceived.
The tendency or habit
to identify with them is also perceived.
Somehow, the one who perceives
is the most overlooked and
this is what I am pointing to
over and over again.
Although consciousness perceives
the momentary, it also has the power
to ignore everything.
It is ever untouched and
unchangingly present.
You alone can confirm this to be true.”
marijketops · November 22, 2021 at 4:40 pm
Wow, I love that quote of Mooji! Thanks for sharing, Nanou Anne. I wonder, where did you read this?
Nanou Anne · November 24, 2021 at 10:20 pm